Teresa Syed is a traditional acupuncturist who has been in practice for around 20 years. Teresa treats a broad range of conditions both physical, and mental-emotional and psychological. Teresa will be offering 1:1 Holistic Health Checks at Honey Rooms as well as full treatment sessions - dates to be announced. Read more here and resgister your enquiry
Our birth chart is an inner compass that connects us to our resources and a deep understanding of ourselves. A birth chart can be seen as a vehicle through which we can live authentically and in wholeness.
With an astrology reading Teresa guides you through this journey of the self. Read more here and register your enquiry
Acupressure Self-Care Workshop -
with the Heavenly Star Points
In this one and a half hour healing circle Teresa will share self acupressure techniques to harmonise and strengthen your energies.
The Heavenly Star points are a collection of the most important acupuncture points* used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years and still used by acupuncturists today. These points have a connection with planetary energies that we may be more familiar with in astrology.
Teresa will illuminate you on this inter-connectedness within our body system.
Also incorporating breathwork, guided imagery and sacred ritual into the workshop Teresa will take you on a healing journey of self care and connection.
*please note: pressure points are the same as acupuncture points. You will be shown how to massage these points on yourself (no acupuncture needles involved).
DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED Register your interest here