Teresa Syed - Acupuncture

Teresa Syed, traditional acupuncturist has been in practice for around 20 years. She has also taught and trained acupuncturists. From 2008-2014 she was part-time Senior Lecturer and Clinical Supervisor on the BSc Acupuncture degree course at one of Leeds leading universities. Following on from that she has ran professional development training courses for health practitioners (physiotherapists, osteopaths) using needling techniques within their field. She is a mentor-supervisor for acupuncture practitioners.

Teresa treats a broad range of conditions both physical, and mental-emotional and psychological. Traditional acupuncture's medical model is quite different to the Western Medical one, which allows her as a practitioner to understand and treat the body in a different way. Teresa often finds that the fresh perspective and approach that traditional acupuncture offers, can be a catalyst for people and their healing journey.

Whilst traditional acupuncture is a clinical medicine it has a dimension and depth of understanding that is deeply rooted in its ancient tradition of understanding the body from observations of the natural world and how we resonate with that in terms of our bodily rhythms. It's focus in on the person rather than the condition. It is both a science and an art, giving acupuncturists a great deal of scope in treating each and every individual with their unique complexities.

Against this background more people are also seeking natural ways to achieve best health and wellbeing. There is a growing awareness of how contemporary living can profoundly imbalance our bodies. Care for ourselves is an extension of care for the environment and vice-versa. Traditional acupuncture as a nature based medicine, is a bridge to restoring equilibrium both within and without for those choosing to live more consciously; promoting a happier healthier lifestyle.

Teresa has a nurturing approach. She is keen to empower patients within the treatment process and for them to be aware of the choices and decisions that they can make for themselves in terms of promoting their highest health and well-being.

As a kundalini yoga teacher, Teresa likes to integrate breath-work when treating certain conditions in her acupuncture sessions. She also brings in somatic release work in specific treatments, especially when trauma or mental-emotional imbalances are rooted in the presenting clinical picture.

For more insights into Teresa's background and experience see

If you wish to book an appointment, discuss any of your health concerns or approaches towards more vibrant health then you can contact Teresa directly.

Make your booking request via the form below or directly via email or phone:
T: 07726 512868 


Acupressure self-care workshop with the  Heavenly Star points

Sunday 14th APRIL, 3pm

In this one and a half hour healing circle Teresa will share self acupressure techniques to harmonise and strengthen your energies.
The Heavenly Star points are a collection of the most important acupuncture points* used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years and still used by acupuncturists today. These points have a connection with planetary energies that we may be more familiar with in astrology.
Teresa will illuminate you on this inter-connectedness within our body system.
Also incorporating breathwork, guided imagery and sacred ritual into the workshop Teresa will take you on a healing journey of self care and connection.
*please note: pressure points are the same as acupuncture points. You will be shown how to massage these points on yourself (no acupuncture needles involved)

Acupuncture: Holistic health check - enquire for dates
This draws on clinical observations by looking at your tongue and feeling your pulse.
Teresa will be offering short 1:1 sessions to diagnose and explain your health imbalances from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective (TCM).
She will also offer information on how traditional acupuncture can help you.
Tongue and Pulse diagnosis is a key method Traditional Acupuncture practitioners use
in classifying and understanding illness/dis-ease in the body.


Pregnancy & Post-Natal Massage, Pelvic Wellbeing, Hypnobirthing & Holistic Birth Prep with Emilie