Sari Daly - Holistic Facials

Sari Daly is an experienced Holistic Practitioner who has worked in the field of women’s health since 2008, both as an acupuncturist and then later as a massage therapist.

When Sari discovered facial massage, she was instantly blown away by the power of facial treatments to not only restore the skin’s radiance and glow but to also provide a deeply relaxing and healing experience.

Sari now specialises in holistic facial treatments and offers facial massage, facial gua sha and facial cupping treatments, and is passionate about using non toxic products and treatments to lift, firm and tone the skin leaving you radiant and glowing.

Sari is also a qualified Hayo’u Facial Gua Sha and Danielle Collins Face Yoga teacher and can instruct you on how to use these powerful tools on yourself at home.


Follow Sari on Instagram @the_facial_therapist

“I had a facial treat today with @the_facial_therapist and it was so amazing to receive the powers of the Gua Sha in the hands of someone who knows how to ‘dance’ with these crystal tools so naturally across the face neck & chest to bring a natural lift, a pure lift felt internally as well. I blissfully recommend”

Book with Sari here

Bespoke Luxury Facial Treatment - 60 minutes £65

A bespoke treatment to lift, tone, and firm the skin using a combination of massage, gua sha and facial cupping. Expect all facial tension to melt away as you drift into a state of total relaxation. Areas targeted include frown and forehead lines, puffy eyes, crows feet, cheekbone definition, sagging skin, jowls and puffiness.

Express Facial Treatment - 40 minutes £45

This shorter treatment uses the power of massage and gua sha to lift and tone the skin, releasing any tension and sending you
into blissful relaxation. Particular areas targeted as per your wishes. 

BOOK DIRECTLY HERE or make a direct enquiry via Sari’s contact form below

Follow Sari on Instagram @the_facial_therapist


Massage with Abi