Teresa Syed - Astrology

Astrology chart readings

An astrology natal (birth) chart offers insights into our psyche as part of understanding the evolutionary journey we have come to experience in this lifetime. It can reveal our core identity, passions, desires and ambitions, our strengths, weaknesses, gifts and challenges. It can also reveal how we may navigate them to become our highest and best selves - living to our pure potential.

Whether through conditioning - childhood or societal, through hard knocks and trauma, or just finding that our lives have taken us on a path that is discordant with how we would truly like to live - connecting with our chart can enable us to live consciously to meet challenges and integrate our gifts and talents. It illuminates how to 'get back on track' by honouring our true essence.

We are living through times of great change, transformation, restructuring and re-birthing on both an individual and collective level.

Our birth chart is an inner compass that connects us to our resources and a deep understanding of ourselves. A birth chart can be seen as a vehicle through which we can live authentically and in wholeness.

With an astrology reading Teresa guides you through this journey of the self.

Teresa was drawn to astrology through her deep connection with Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is an Acupuncturist of many years, as well as an Astrologer. Chinese medical theory is rooted in astrology and cosmology (an understanding of the stars and planets and how they influence us). The first Chinese doctors, centuries ago, understood the interplay of all natural phenomena within our human experience as part of cosmic order and natural law.

Teresa is certified in Goddess Centred Astrology, through the Glastonbury Goddess Temple Trainings. This means that she weaves divine feminine archetypes into the zodiac chart. The feminine mysteries have been lost over the centuries within a patriarchal emphasis of astrological signs. This is simply a rebalancing of the energies within the zodiac and a holistic perspective of astrology.

"I recently had the most inspiring natal chart reading with Teresa. All I can say is ‘Wow’ from start to finish. Teresa has the ability to get the core of any matter in a direct, gentle, experienced and knowledgeable way. She articulated the main themes in my chart in such a way that made me see things a lot clearer. To no surprise, all the themes that popped up resonated too. I truly was left speechless!…" - Ajinder Kaur .

For more insights into Teresa's background and experience see
Appointments available at HONEY ROOMS
Make your booking request via the form below or directly via email or phone:
T: 07726 512868 


Acupressure self-care workshop with the  Heavenly Star points

Sunday 14th APRIL, 3pm

In this one and a half hour healing circle Teresa will share self acupressure techniques to harmonise and strengthen your energies.
The Heavenly Star points are a collection of the most important acupuncture points* used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years and still used by acupuncturists today. These points have a connection with planetary energies that we may be more familiar with in astrology.
Teresa will illuminate you on this inter-connectedness within our body system.
Also incorporating breathwork, guided imagery and sacred ritual into the workshop Teresa will take you on a healing journey of self care and connection.
*please note: pressure points are the same as acupuncture points. You will be shown how to massage these points on yourself (no acupuncture needles involved)

Acupuncture: Holistic health check - enquire for dates
This draws on clinical observations by looking at your tongue and feeling your pulse.
Teresa will be offering short 1:1 sessions to diagnose and explain your health imbalances from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective (TCM).
She will also offer information on how traditional acupuncture can help you.
Tongue and Pulse diagnosis is a key method Traditional Acupuncture practitioners use
in classifying and understanding illness/dis-ease in the body..


Reiki & Sound Healing with Léonie


Massage with Abi